Jan 17, 2021
To celebrate Steven’s new book “The Art of Impossible” we have a generous give-away within our latest podcast episode. In this evergreen repost Steven gracious shares his game-changing, disruptive Flow research that empowers elevated learning, creativity, productivity & collaboration so we can massively level up our games. Steven, a renowned Flow researcher, author and futurist, maps for us the upper-limits of the human experience and how more flow might be a potential solution for the grand challenges we face as a species.
Show Notes Repost: Steven Kotler #15
We discuss:
-“Mapping Cloud Nine: Neuroscience, Flow, and the Upper Possibility Space of Human Experience”
-Sounds True Partnership
-William James interested in the upper limits of ecstatic states
-1996 Emotions scientifically mapped for the first time
-Freud set off the “100 year detour” which split the science of high-performance and science spirituality
-Ten ongoing research projects at the Flow Research Collective
-Glenn Fox USC Gratitude Researcher
-Flow is the opposite of traumatic stress
-Imperial College of London: Difference Between Flow and Psychedelic
-More hope for advancements in healing PTSD
-Big Pharma’s Opioid Crisis: 193 people die each day, 70K PER YEAR—only 58k died in all of Vietnam
-Victor Frankl: “Less about the trauma and more about the frame we build around it”
-Shared neurobiology between Flow, Psychedelics and Meditation
-The pain of a bad psychedelic trip exceeds the pain of not getting into flow
-Flow for Writer’s Workshop
-“Psychedelics can be very, very useful when getting back to normal, resetting from trauma.” - Kotler
-Flow Cycle: Struggle/loading phase, Release, Flow, Recovery
-“The Future is Faster Than You Think” -Steven Kotler/Peter Diamandis
-“In the next 81 years, we are going to experience 20,000 years of technical change.” -Ray Kurzweil, Google Director of Engineering(41:55)
-Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal on James Altucher Show (52:10)
www.zerotodangerous.com (Free flow consultation)
FutureFasterBook.Com January 28th (Preorder)
IG: @Steven.Kotler @soundstrue
Matt's links:
Worth The Fight book: Purchase your copy on Amazon, Kindle, or Audible
Worth The Fight podcast iTunes easy review link
Matt’s 1-on-1 Worthy Fight Empowerment Coaching
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